Red Hat Forum BeNeLux 2020

Extra remarks
Last year, Red Hat welcomed over 1000 guests in Amsterdam & more than 400 people in Brussels at the local Red Hat Forum. We had some drinks, shared some food and networked till our LinkedIn profiles exploded.
Let's have a virtual chat at Red Hat Forum BeNeLux 2020
Nostalgic we look back at our experiences of last year and we hate the fact that we cannot meet you in real life this year but we didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to meet each other virtually. Let's have a chat about your upcoming open source projects, your Red Hat Openshift Container Platform, etc..
Kangaroot has more than 20 years of experience with open source and has specialised itself in the digital transformation of organisations with an open source environment. We will help you build an agile and versatile open source environment or migrate your open source workloads, clean and fast. All with the expert 24/7 support to rival proprietary solutions.
We look forward to seeing you on the 3rd of November and do not forget to register for the forum here.
Red Hat Forum Belgium & Netherlands 2019
In case you've missed our OpenShift session last year, you can find here the presentation about our OpenShift best practices, straight from the battlefield.
Running & managing an OpenShift environment in a better way, starts before even building your first test cluster and doesn’t stop when the design is up and running. We have been running & maintaining OpenShift / Kubernetes clusters in production for several of our customers.