Database Management

Open Source Databases Powering Apps & Business Critical Systems
Today, an open source databases can compete effectively against leading proprietary database products for most enterprise workloads. And, enterprises large and small are adopting open source databases to power more of their applications and business critical systems. In fact, in Gartner’s "State of the Open-Source DBMS Market, 2018" the authors note that “by 2022, more than 70% of new in-house applications will be developed on an OSDBMS, and 50% of existing commercial RDBMS instances will have been converted or will be in process of converting.”
4 tips for choosing the right open source database
Choosing the right open source database is an important decision. Start by asking the right questions. All too often, people put the cart before the horse, making decisions before really understanding their needs.
- Have a goal
- Understand your workload
- Don't reinvent the wheel
- Start simple
MySQL? PostgreSQL?